Tag Archives: bath

Ugh! Gifted Class!

This morning I called the school, as per usual, about the gifted class and Starling.  Well, you won’t even believe what they said!  The secretary lady (I don’t know her name, why would I?) said, “If I put her in the God damned class will you stop calling me?”  Of course I said yes!  I was so thrilled that they had finally recognized which one of my lil’ angles belongs in that class.  I was walking on a cloud all day.  That would show those other moms.

Then Starling got home and told me that they had pulled her from her homeroom to go to the “nerd cave” with Merlin and all of his weird friends.  She was very upset.  I told her that I would call the school and ask to have Merlin removed from the class since he really doesn’t need it anyway.  But she was adamant that Merlin wasn’t even close to the worst of them.  That surprised me!

She finally stopped crying when I gave her a $20 bill.

She finally stopped crying when I gave her a $20 bill.

I don’t want my baby girl unhappy, so I called the school right back and told them that Starling does not want to be in the gifted class with the nerds.  The secretary lady put me on hold and I swear I could hear her laughing in the background for about ten minutes while I just waited.  I gave her a piece of my mind when she picked the phone back up, but she put the phone back down and started laughing again.  So rude!  I finally hung up on her.  That will show her.

I ended up putting the big kids to bed a little bit early because I was so exhausted but I let Hummus play in the bathtub for a couple of hours while I had my book group (or should I say wine group, lol) over.  I had actually forgotten he was there and Mariel was very surprised when she heard splashing from behind the shower curtain, lol.

Such a good baby.

Such a good baby.

Another Perfect Day!

Röbert and I continue to be just so happy together as a couple.  I feel sorry for other married people who don’t get along as well as we do.  It must be hard to fight all the time or disagree about simple things like money and raising the children.  We are so, so happy!

He has been dressing differently lately, but I like his new look.

He has been dressing differently lately, but I like his new look.

That damned crazy Mr. Williams has decided that Merlin needs to have access to a computer because he is so smart and blah, blah, blah.  Whatever. That kid is certainly not going to be given the opportunity to break my computer, but Röbert said he could use his.  See, the perfect husband and father!

Merlin sitting still.  Who knew he could?

Merlin sitting still. Who knew he could?

Hummus is such a good lil’ boy.  I had to run out to grab the phone, make dinner and fold some laundry while he took his bath tonight but he just played happily the whole time.  I actually had started eating when Starling reminded me he was still up there. LOL!

He loves tubby time!

He loves tubby time!

The children went right up to bed after dinner.  Does anyone else ever put a tiny bit of Benadryl in their children’s applesauce?  It is amazing how much easier bedtime is when you do!

Knock, knock, I think I hear Mr. Merlot at the door.  Must run!  LOL!

Do You Know the Way?

I have recently decided to take my blogging habit a little more seriously and what better way to begin than attending a blogger convention on the other side of the country?  I mentioned to Robert that I was going and he was not supportive AT ALL!!  I was shocked.  He said we can’t “afford” it.  I pointed out that he takes business trips all of the time and we seem to afford those just fine.  My blog IS my business and he needs to recognize that.  Well then he said that my business has approximately zero views per day.  Okay, he has a point, but how in the world could I ever get page views without traveling to a convention, staying in a hotel and hearing experts speak about branding and monetizing my blog.  I am sure this trip will pay for itself in wonderful sponsorship opportunities.

So I left the room and went to cry in my bathtub.  While I was in there Hummus came in and pulled himself up on the wall and stood!  So adorable!

7:24 naked

I waited until Robert was gone for the day and I drove the kids over to my parents.  My Mom was surprised and said something about weekend plans but I am sure they can figure it out.  Grandparents just love spending time with the littles, right?

I drove home to quickly pack up.

7:24 LAh Lee

Then I was off to the airport!  Did you know that it can be very expensive to book a last minute flight?  It really can, but so worth it.  My flight was filled with people who obviously don’t know as much about travel as I do, but I was excited to be off to my dream destination, San Jose!

When I arrived I was surprised to discover that there was no car waiting for conference attendees.  We had to find the hotel from the airport on our own.  When I rented a car several lovely ladies who were heading my way volunteered to keep me company in the car. Such fun!

We got to the hotel and I couldn’t believe that there were no rooms available!  What now?  Would I have to fly all the way back across the country?  Luckily one of the gals I had driven over with had a room, but had lost her credit card.  I had a credit card Robert had left in his bureau so walla, we were in.  It turns out that she is sharing the room with a number of her friends so we are sleeping 6 to a bed. Funnnn!

7:24 feet

We all wandered down to par-tay, but my friends disappeared.  I was able to enjoy a great sunset on my own!



Ooopsy Daisy

After my encounter with my former friend Karen yesterday I was very upset!  I called Röbert to ask him to please hurry home and I quickly made dinner for Merlin and Starling.  I sent them up to bed extra early (they weren’t happy, but oh well is what I always say!)  Then I waited for the hubster to get home.

7:16 lahlee

When he got home he wanted to go talk to Mitch to see if he could make Karen be reasonable but I cried until he agreed not to do that!  I went up to take a nice bath and when I came down my boy had started a fire for me.

7:16 fireplace

He went up to bed early and I stayed up to check out my Facebook and let everyone know what a snake Karen is!


I woke up nice and refreshed and went to the kitchen to get myself some coffee.

7:16 kitchen

And guess what I found just outside the back door, LOL?

photo hummus stroller


I guess with all the excitement yesterday I had forgotten all about Hummus.  He was just waking up and, other than really needing a new diaper, no worse for the experience.  I can’t stop laughing at myself over this one!

Starling is working on a puppet show for me, so I’d better go right now to enjoy it.

7:16 puppet show


My Crazy Life

This morning I was determined to go over to the Sullivans to talk to Karen about what is going on.  I saw that her car was in the driveway so I marched right over to let her know how hurt I was by her recent coldness towards me and she didn’t answer the door.  So odd.  I thought I could hear the television playing and someone moving around inside.  Now I am really worried.  Maybe on top of her forgetfulness she is also losing her hearing.  Aging must be terrible!

When I got home I heard noise in Merlin’s room and guess what I found?  Birdy was all alone in his bedroom.  I was furious!  Merlin claims he has no idea how he got there, but I have a pretty good idea and the culprit had to catch the bird and then spend the morning cleaning out my car.

7:9 chicken

After lunch I put all three children down for a nap because I needed a nap!  I had just fallen asleep when I heard shouting from down the hall.  I thought someone was hurt so I ran and apparently Merlin had somehow convinced Starling that jumping on her bed is a good idea. Oh my word!  I sent him back to his room and brought her downstairs to watch a movie.  He had gotten her way too wound up to sleep!  So it was Frozen and cookies for her while I cat napped on the sofa!

7:9 bed jump

I was able to drop the children with the family down the street who don’t speak much English (and don’t own any chickens LOL!) while I went shopping for dinner stuff.  I also stopped by the coffee shop for a few minutes!  Shhhh!

7:9 lah Lee

I came home nice and relaxed only to find that the non-English speaking family had completely misunderstood EVERYTHING I told them and Hummus and Starling were inside eating sugary snacks and watching television while Merlin was outside playing in the dirt.  He could have been run over by the backhoe someone was using back there!  I will have to think carefully before I allow THAT family (the Chens?  the Changs?  Who knows?) to watch my children for me again!

7:9 merlin

What could i do?  I brought the children home and put them to bed!  Then it was Calgon time for me . (Only, not Calgon but this delicious Jo Malone bath oil I bought for myself.)  Take me away indeed!

7:9 Calgon