Tag Archives: ballet

A Day of Dates

Yesterday morning I packed the little ones off to their grandparents for the day (they were pleasantly surprised when they found their grandkiddos waiting for them in front of the television once they woke up, I am sure!) and had a day alone with my hubby.  He isn’t crazy about dressing up or brunch, but I just knew he would enjoy getting dressed up to go to brunch at the new restaurant in town.

My handsome guy!

My handsome guy!

Later in the day he was watching football and I told him that I had a surprise for him!  Tickets to the ballet.  He protested a little but I am sure once we got there he really loved it.

We make a lovely couple.

We make a lovely couple.

Now all the haters who asked where Röbert has been can shut their pie holes.  Clearly he is deeply in love with me and not off gallivanting around, and I am not pursuing Mr. Wozinski, who looks like a a hobbit.  Sheesh.