Category Archives: The Gym

Crazy Photo Mixup

My yoga instructor tells me that I have the best form he has ever seen.  He often asks me to demonstrate for the group, and sometimes, when I get frustrated with other people in the class, I will just volunteer to stand in the front of the studio so everyone can see how it is supposed to be done.  I am not trying to brag, just describing how it is.

A couple of weeks ago I took a nice photo of myself doing yoga poses at home.



I am telling you all about this because of a silly mix up that happened yesterday.  I was at the gym and Krystyn, Cari and I were walking past the room where they do the “Beginners Speed Weight Loss” and who should I see?  Karen!

Yikes!  Good for her. I applaud her trying to turn it around.

Yikes! Good for her. I applaud her trying to turn it around.

We barely laughed, because we are nice people and try to rise above the pettiness we see around us, even when we see karma working against someone who tried to break up a happy marriage.  I was holding my phone and I noticed later that I had taken a photo without meaning to.  Oops!

So when I got home I printed out both photos to put away for future scrapbooking, and then I totally lost track of where I left them.

I went to file one of Hummus’s coloring pages in the portfolio I keep in Röbert’s office tonight and I realized that I had left both pictures on his desk.  LOL!  Poor Röbert.  He is such a great husband. He doesn’t need to see Karen’s current state of disrepair.