Category Archives: me time

Away He Goes

Last night Merlin got a phone call from his favorite teacher, Mr. Williams.  It turns out that he is going to be a”facilitator” (LOL!  What the hell does that mean!?) at the the nerd camp Merlin is attending this week and he called to offer Merlin a ride to camp.  It is a few hours away, so it was a relief to me not to have to drive him (and listen to him) all that way, plus Merlin was so excited to be going with Ty!  It really is nice that he has taken such a special interest in my child.  Everyone does tell me how much like me Merlin is.

Anywho, we decided to meet at the library this morning to hand off Merlin to him.  It was nice to see Ty and, while I didn’t get a chance to speak to him about Renata, I think that I was able to communicate quite a bit with my eyes.

My two buddies were happy to be together again, and Ty had some god awful sounding audio book to listen to on the ride.  Better him than me!

My two buddies were happy to be together again, and Ty had some god awful sounding audio book to listen to on the ride. Better him than me!

He did say that we should pick him up next weekend because we won’t want to miss the awards ceremony.  Ugh.  Awards ceremony?  You wouldn’t want to bet on whether I would be willing to miss that, Ty!

Röbert took the other two kids with him to some dog show thing for Beefeater this afternoon, so I have been hanging out, looking at Pinterest pages and making plans for this week while Starling is also in camp (Her art day camp, I couldn’t stand to have her away for a whole week!)  I looked out my back window to check on the progress at Karen’s pool (still disgusting) and guess who appears to have a new bestie?  Apparently snakes like to lie around in the sun with other snakes.  How convenient for me.

Where on earth did she even find a two piece?  She is delusional if she thinks a tan will help!

Where on earth did she even find a two piece? She is delusional if she thinks a tan will help!

I have to run and call Cari about this latest development.

Crazy Coincidence

I decided to go for a long power walk this afternoon at this park right near where Ty lives and who should I run into but Ty? He is Merlin’s teacher and a very close friend of mine.  I think some of the other moms (yes, you, Margie) are a little jealous of our close relationship and that is why they are cool towards me. Anywhoo, he was out walking with the most beautiful black lab so I asked him if the dog was his girlfriend’s and he said he didn’t have a girlfriend.  That is too bad because he is a very nice man and I think any gal would be lucky to date him.  His dog is called Dementor and I pretended that I knew what that meant.  Does anyone know what it means?  I am sure it is something nerdy because, truth be told, he is kind of awkward, in an adorable way.

I told him how much I love dogs and I think I will borrow Beefeater so we can go for a walk together sometime, or maybe to the dog park.

Dementor seemed very friendly and not at all vicious.

Dementor seemed very friendly and not at all vicious.

It is nice to discover how much we have in common.

Feeling Better

Today was Abraham Lincoln’s birthday or something.  Who knows, it was a day off for Röbert, which meant I was going to let him spend the day with the littles and see how much he likes being stuck with the constant neediness and boring conversations. I was pretty sure after about 5 minutes he would understand why I had earned more than costume jewelry for Valentine’s Day, not that I have given that a second thought.  It’s water under the bridge.  I know he was planning on going skiing so I got up very early and went to the gym.  Then I took myself out for a nice brunch with a couple of gals from spin class.  We saw Margie at the restaurant but pretended we didn’t.  LOL.

Kyrstyn had heard that there was a shoe sale at this sweet little boutique in a town about an hour from here so we went over and did a lil’ retail therapy.  There wasn’t actually a sale but who cares, the shoes were all darling.

Röbert had the nerve to be angry when I got home, but I burst into tears which shut him right down.

I feel a lot better, not that I was really upset about that Hallmark holiday, if you catch my drift.  I am sure Röbert will find a real anniversary of an important event in our lives to celebrate and get me some actual jewelry.

Aren't they a ll sweet?  I don't know what I will do with all of them but I had to have each and every pair.

Aren’t they a ll sweet? I don’t know what I will do with all of them but I had to have each and every pair.

Now I am going to let him handle the dinner and bath and bedtime while I have some wine and watch all of the Lifetime movies I have recorded.

Early Morning Walk

This morning I woke up extra early and decided to go for a walk on the cliffs down by the ocean, just to gather my thoughts.  I haven’t been sleeping at all well this week because Beefeater has been making a racket all night long, and Karen swears it isn’t him but some crazy made up creature from Western novels.

I was walking along, quite close to the cliffs that plunge down into the ocean, and I heard someone run up behind me.  It was barely light out so I was startled and scared.  But, good news, it was a friendly face.  Ty was out for a run!  I was glad he was there because just then, Beefeater appeared out of nowhere, with a ball in his mouth, as if someone had been playing catch with him.

I didn't expect to see anyone out along the cliffs at that time of day.

I didn’t expect to see anyone out along the cliffs at that time of day.

Ty seemed to actually like Beefeater, and told me that it could be dangerous to throw the ball for him that close to the cliff before the sun is up.  Apparently it is possible that Beefeater could have even, accidentally of course, plunged to his death on the jagged rocks below.  What a shame that would be.

I don’t know why Ty thought that I was throwing Beefeater’s ball close to the edge of a dangerous cliff.  I really don’t know how Beefeater got his jaws on a tennis ball with Starling’s name written on it,  It was just such a funny coincidence.

Getting Back to Normal

I have Röbert taking all of our Christmas stuff down right now.  It is time to get our lives back to normal.

It was an unseasonably warm day so Röbert encouraged me to take a drive over to the kayak center and take my first lesson.  It is such a thoughtful gift and I really think I will be an excellent kayaker once I apply myself, so off I went!

Well, when I got there I just didn’t feel like doing it.  Yech!  The kayaks were all scratched up and used looking and I was wearing such a pretty cashmere sweater that I didn’t want to ruin.

Can you even imagine?  Used kayaks!  Not for me.

Can you even imagine? Used kayaks! Not for me.

So I drove home and decided to kill some time shopping.  I went to the jewelry store to see if they had an after Christmas sale or something, but no luck.  Oh well.  I got myself a delicious lunch and relaxed, and that is what is important, a little me time, not necessarily the kayaking, right?  I guess maybe if Röbert bought me a nice new kayak or something.  I will have to see.

I hope those poor children in a foreign country are enjoying my other Christmas gift about now.

Time to Get Away

I woke up even more upset and confused about whoever K is. I am sure Röbert would never cheat on me, but I just feel so sad and confused.

I dropped the big kids off at my mother’s but she wouldn’t let me drop off Hummus, just because he has a fever and is throwing up a tiny bit.  So he was my lil’ sidekick as I drove out of town to gather my thoughts.  I ended up in this small town next to a big state park and Just sat in front of the general store and watched Hummus sleep off some Benadryl in his carseat.

I must have drifted off too, because I was startled when I heard a knock on my car window.  You will never believe who it was!  No, not Röbert.  Not Karen or Mitch either.  It was Ty!  I had totally forgotten that he had mentioned that he was camping near here this weekend!  LOL!

His snowmobile is such fun!

His snowmobile is such fun!

What a coincidence.  I asked him if he would join me for lunch at the sweet little inn next to the river.  He took a lil’ convincing, but eventually he said yes.  I could tell he was thrilled to spend some one on one time with his favorite class mom. LOL!  Luckily I happened to have made a reservation there, so we were seated right away.  He was such a gentleman, he insisted that we bring Hummus and his carseat inside (he was still asleep) even though I am sure he would have been fine in the car.

I was glad I had taken care with my appearance, even though I was distraught.  I wouldn't want to "shock" my buddy, Ty.

I was glad I had taken care with my appearance, even though I was distraught. I wouldn’t want to “shock” my buddy, Ty.

After I had confessed that I was taking time to think about “things” and had no place to stay and he had checked with the inn and called several local hotels and motels to find that they were all booked, he very kindly offered to have me and Hummus stay with him.  So we all piled on his snowmobile, and off we went.

I will confess, when he said camping I was thinking more like glamping, with a big old tent and running water or even a chic, rustic Ralph Lauren cabin in the woods.  Nope, Ty takes his camping seriously and was staying in a tiny tent in the snow.  Hummus had woken up on the trip out there, and was thirsty but Ty only had water to drink.  Unbelievable.  He didn’t even have wine for later.

Can you see how small this tent is?  I was really thinking it would be more like a small cozy 3 bedroom cabin.

Can you see how small this tent is? I was really thinking it would be more like a small cozy 3 bedroom cabin.

All of a sudden I remembered something.  I was the one who had bought that ugly shirt!  It was a gift for Karen last Christmas, and then we had a fight and I never gave it to her.  I should have known who it was for when I saw how hideous it was.  Ha ha!  That explains the K on the shirt and I am sure the pajamas were just Röbert being Röbert.

Ty was, of course, disappointed, but drove me back to my car as soon as I told him that I needed to get home.  LOL, I am such a silly goose!




I have always known that if I tried yoga I would be marvelous at it because I am very spiritual and all.  I just have not had the time.  Last week Mr. Williams said he did it so of course I told him how much I also enjoy yoga.  He asked me where I go and luckily I remembered where my friend Aileen goes (because she never shuts up about it) and told him I go to her studio.  Well, how funny, it is his studio too.  So of course since I have been meaning to get started I have taken a bunch of classes this week.  I haven’t seen Mr. Williams, I mean Ty, (since we are more like friends now he asked me to call him by his first name) there yet, but I am not sure which classes he takes.  Maybe hot yoga?

After school today I put a movie on for the kids (Frozen…they are so hypnotized by it they never know whether I am here or on the moon) and ran over to a park on the other side of town to practice yoga.  You won’t even believe it, it is right next to Mr. William’s home!  What a coincidence.  I saw him as he got home and of course he admired my form and we chatted for a few minutes.  I am still not sure about the girlfriend.  It would be so, so nice for him if he had a nice girlfriend.

I am very zen.

I am very zen.

When I got home Merlin and Starling were pretty wound up about the movie and followed me around the house singing.  It gave me a my grain so I put a lil’ Benadryl in their apple juice and poured myself a glass of wine.  No sense being annoyed after a wonderful healing activity.

Please, let it go...away.

Please, let it go…away.


This morning I went for a nice jog in my best sports bra and exercise gear and I just happened to end up in front of the children’s school.  I had a charley horse or something, hopefully not shin splints, but something, so I stopped to stretch.

I just love my photo editing software!

I just love my photo editing software!

I stretched for about 45 minutes and you will never guess who I happened to see arriving at school!  Mr. Williams! LOL. I told him that people would start talking if we kept running into each other like this!  He asked me who was at home getting the children ready for school.  That reminded me that I had probably better get home to get them ready for school.  LOL!

He looks like he might climb mountains too!

He looks like he might climb mountains too!

After school I asked our new neighbor, Mrs. Wozinski, to watch the kids for an hour or so, while i went to a business meeting.  I didn’t really have a business meeting, but I wanted to try the new tea shop downtown that Mr. Williams mentioned to me last week.  Starling was so upset and started crying and actually spat at Stella Wozinski.  Oh well, mommy is a busy bee! Unfortunately the tea shop closes at 6 PM so after I got dressed nicely and found a parking space etc, it was almost time for it to close.

I had to run to get there before it closed.

I had to run to get there before it closed.

I arrived at 5:59 and sat down.  The employees were so rude though!  I sat there for an hour and they were actually cleaning up around me.  It was as if I was an imposition to them. I did not leave a tip.  I didn’t see anyone I knew there.

When I got home I did the most embarrassing thing, though. I had bought a cute nightie to replace the pajamas that disappeared and I decided to send a photo to Robert but I sent it to Mr. Williams by mistake instead!  I hope he wasn’t too shocked!

This is cute, right?

This is cute, right?

A Lil’ Time on my Own

So I woke up early this morning and decided to make a special breakfast for my whole family.  I have been having a lot of my grains lately and sleeping in a lot, so this was a nice treat for everyone!  And for me, yum, mimosas!

8:2 kitchen


After breakfast Röbert had to leave on another business trip!

8:2 robert

So I guess my life as a single mom continues.  It sure is hard and I wish my friends could begin to understand so they would be able to support me a little bit better!  I cried and cried, then I took the children out for a drive.  When we passed the Liebners’ house we could see their children were out back playing, so I told the kids to run back and play with them.  I just know the Liebners won’t mind having my lil’ angles for a few hours.  They are never a bit of trouble.  Of course Hummus was asleep.  He seemed to be about to come down with a cough earlier so I had given him a little preventative Benadryl in his lunch bottle and he was out like a light.

At last, a little me time.  I drove us right to the beach!


The waves were great!  It made me feel so much better about being a single mom!  It takes a village y’all!