Category Archives: Ashram

Regrets, I Have a Few

While I was away, living it up at my beautiful and relaxing ashram, life went on at home. Unfortunately, there were events that I missed.

Last year I planned a wonderful fundraiser for the children’s school.  This year, because I was involved in an unfortunate shooting incident, Margie was put in charge of the Spring Fling.

You probably remember that at my event, there was a lovely barn for a catered dinner/dance, a petting zoo and horse back riding for the children, and champagne everywhere.

5:22 interior

Absolutely gorgeous!

This year, instead of trying to make it even better, Margie held it in the school.  According to Krystyn, the children’s games were in the cafeteria and there was no band or pretty twinkle lights.  I guess it is okay to have no ambition.

4:15:16 Merlin

How festive for the children, celebrating in their classroom!

Merlin looked darling, but it sounds like the whole evening was a downer.  Maybe next year they can find a volunteer with a vision once again.


Back…And Better Than Ever!

I am so glad to be home again and minding my lil’ blog.  I have missed each and every one of you very much.  Well, maybe not Beverley, who wrote a very rude Facebook post about me in my absence, but she said she wouldn’t look at my blog again, so I guess she doesn’t count!

Anywho, where have I been?  I went away on the most wonderful lil’ vacay for 29 days.  It was at a very spa-like place, only it wasn’t exactly a spa.  More like an ashram; very spiritual.  Unfortunately it also wasn’t the spa-like place in Malibu that is absolutely heaving with celebrities, but it was absolutely lovely and I met lots of very wealthy people who value their privacy, thank you very much!

4:15:16 lounge

Here I am in the cozy lounge area of the ashram.  I don’t have many photos, because the staff there frowned on us taking them.

I kept extremely busy while I was there, although they wouldn’t allow us to blog or use our phones or anything really.  The food was on the starchy side, but I didn’t eat much and did a lot of running around in the yard, so my thigh gap is still on fleek.  And now, at last, I am home!

I can’t wait to tell you about all the happy changes in my life, but right now we are about to enjoy a lovely family dinner in the manner of a Norman Rockwell painting.

Luv ya, missed ya!