
This morning I decided to run by the gym so everyone could see that I am now in a wheelchair.  That’s right, after I asked the doctor several times she wrote a prescription for a wheelchair, because I believe she is very, very, very concerned that I might tragically reopen my wound and need further plastic surgery to repair it.  Anywho, all the ladies felt so, so bad for me , but Janyce mentioned that they have a wheelchair basketball league at the Valley Rec Center, so I am going to look into that.  Fun!

The wear and tear I will save on my shoes is just incredible!

The wear and tear I will save on my shoes is just incredible!

The wheelchair is absolutely great; so zippy and people are falling over themselves to open doors for me and help me with carrying things etc.  I can’t wait to get my handicapped parking hanger for my car!

Since I am so badly injured, I will no longer be able to fulfill my duties to the PTO.  I stopped by the school to let them know of my decision.  I think the office ladies were very upset.  No one actually cried, but I could see their lips quivering.  They had the cutest lil’ picture of Cari and I for the yearbook so I let them know that Cari had sent in one of just her to replace it.  Lyssa, the one with the weird voice, was busy so she let me enter it into the database for her.

She really deserves to have all of the glory for her hard work.

She really deserves to have all of the glory for her hard work.

34 thoughts on “Resigning

  1. LulemonIsMyGoddess

    OMG, Lah Lee you have to be careful with wheelchairs. They can make you lazy and fat and then you become those grocery store people who need electric shopping carts!
    Also I am worried that you may be taking too many pain pills. Your eyes look off. Pain pills are for the out of shape and have many calories in them. I just don’t want to see you get fat like Karen. Maybe you should give your wheelchair and pills to Cari!


      1. LulemonIsMyGoddess

        OMG, you sound like your fat. Probably too fat to fit into lulemon, if you could even afford it! I am only looking out for Lah Lee so maybe you should take your negative attitude to one of those hate sites instead of spewing it on Lah LEe’s happy corner of the internets!


      2. LulemonIsMyGoddess

        Oh, no Cindy, I was talking to the previous bitch. I know who you are. Are you sure this blog isn’t triggering for you dear, what with your whole unfortunate addiction and all?


  2. Cassidy

    That yearbook photo of Cari is *much* more disturbing than the photo Bobby posted of you in the hospital after your spill. At least you had a legitimate excuse for looking that way.

    Is something wrong with your eyes? I hope that head injury didn’t cause any permanent damage.


  3. Cindy McCain

    You are a true American hero! You are so responsible and kind. How nice of you to let Cari have the spotlight!

    Now that you’re differently abled, who can expect you to go upstairs to put the kids to bed every night? Nobody! Sterling can have that honor. She’s old enough to determine her own bedtime routine (now’s the time to start her on moisturizer! and some of them smell like delicious forbidden foods like birthday cake, so that’s good for her diet, she can enjoy the scent) and she can take on a lil responsibility for Human as well. The kids will have to pick up a few of the other chores as well. You’re such a great mom! And the wheelchair looks fabulous on you, my dear!


  4. RodanFields

    You are so brave and dedicated to your recovery to allow Robert to see you in a geriatric type mobility device! I’m sure you’re spraying a little Coco Mad on the rubber wheels to keep it sexy! Lol


  5. 12thFetus4Jesus

    Lah Lee, your latest post brought me to tears. You are a light and an inspiration to all us able bodied people. Even though your eyes are pointed in different directions, you have the focus so many lack, the vision to see what was truly needed by the PTA, the understanding that Cari must be the one to carry on the PTA work, alone.

    Brave you. Prayers for a miracle. You WILL get out of that wheelchair, be it next week or next year! We believe in you, Lah Lee! When this is all behind you, you need to write your memoirs, the best seller our souls need.


  6. Furmama

    Why do you need a handicapped hanger? You already have the wheelchair so obvs you can park there! That sign is just a lil formality.


  7. Ms Chic

    Lah Lee, honey, did you leave your contacts in too long? Your eyes just don’t look right. Better ride those wheels back to the ER! You could be sleepless and in pain all night if you don’t get them checked out.

    You did the right thing by resigning. You’ve given so much, now it’s time for your family and those wretches at the school to wrap their arms around you – metaphorically speaking only – and return all the loving care you’ve given them.


  8. PSL Mama

    Well this is obviously a lot more serious than I first thought. When I zoomed in a bit to look at your eyes (due to everyone’s concern) I noticed something even more alarming! You still have fall/Halloween decor out. Have your housekeeper put that away ASAP! What is wrong with you?! That is just embarrassing for a blogger like you. You should have Valentine decorations out now and then straight to Easter. Some people do mardi gras and Chinese New year but to still have a pumpkin out tells me that bump has really affected your judgement. Priorities Lah Lee. People judge you by how you look and how your home looks. Never forget that honey.

    Should I come help you?


  9. Dolly

    Hi Lah Lee. I can hardly believe I finally found you!!! I have been searching day and night after reading a scandalous article in the local paper about a local famous internet personality. Surely they have it all wrong! Why just look how disabled you are, yet you are still so kind as to put others first. Cari is sure to be just delighted when she gets her hands on a copy of the yearbook and sees that glamour shot of her! Wish I could be there to see her surprise.

    – It’s hard to be a diamond in a rhinestone world.-


  10. Gladys Kravitz

    Lah Lee, ever since you posted that high school picture of Cari something has been niggling at me, and I just now realized what it is. Have you ever thought that Cari looks remarkably like one of the members of that now defunct 80’s pop phenomena, Milli Vanilli? I know they disbanded and one tragically has left this earth, but is it possible that Cari is, in fact, the remaining member in disguise? Could Cari be deceiving us all because “she” is in actuality a West German, lip syncing, One hit wonder of a MAN? Just a random thought, dear. You know how I don’t like to speculate. But Girl, You Know It (might be) True.


    1. Cindy McCain

      Like the theory of dark matter, it’s probably wrong, but you’re clearly thinking outside the envelope. Even if Cari is not a literal actual member of Milli Vanilli she clearly was INSPIRED by Milli Vanilli and what that says about her character I do not dare to speculate but it’s not good.



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