Her New Bestie

By the time Kathy finally made it downstairs this morning I had missed Barre and Spin, but it didn’t matter.  I had planned a special day for her to pour her heart out to me.

I had suggested we could go shopping, but when she came downstairs in this number I decided to tske her back to the state park I had been to with Stefan. I couldn't be seen with her dressed like this!

I had suggested we could go shopping, but when she came downstairs in this number I decided to take her back to the state park I had been to with Stefan. I couldn’t be seen with her dressed like this!

While we were driving she told me that Stefan had offered her a very generous settlement, but she just felt it was wrong to profit off of him in that way.  Normally I would have been texting Krystyn for the name of her ruthless divorce lawyer at that point, but instead I just agreed with her.  “You don’t want anything of his!” I said, “Make a clean break.  You can get by just fine on your adjunct professor salary, right?”  She admitted that she might need to take on a part time job too, but I encouraged her to be independent.  LOL!  I was laughing so hard on the inside.

We sat under the tree where Stefan and I had kissed last week and talked about what a really bad person Claire is and how she had always seemed two-faced to me.  All at once, Kathy saw all of the signs.  LOL.  I encouraged her just to make a clean break with Claire too.  There is no sense in questioning her about something she will only deny.

When we got home Kathy told me that she had always misjudged me.  I reminded her that she had listened to Claire, who thought I had stolen Röbert away from her.  It was Claire who drove Röbert away with her wanting to get married and wanting to be grownup all of the time.  Claire is the one who is maybe canoodling with her husband now.  Claire is the bad person here.  LOL.  She told me I am a very good friend.

Kathy is right. I am a very good friend.  I am just not her friend.


16 thoughts on “Her New Bestie

    1. RodanFields

      I agree. From your photos, it’s obvious that she looks almost just like you, but with hideous sweaters and cheap hair products. No sense in confusing him…


    1. Mrs. Rothschild

      I thought the same thing; Kathy’s resemblance to you is striking. I guess we can see that Stephan has a type.
      It seems like you’re playing with fire, but you lead the most charmed life, Lah Lee. With my luck, if I were in your place, I’d get caught with Stephan by Rob and there’d be some kind of consequences like rancor-filled divorce proceedings and my kids hating me, but I’m sure you’ll come out of your entanglement with Stephan unscathed as always.
      By the way, what are Mitch and Ty up to these days? You haven’t mentioned either in a long time.


  1. jennifer

    I really think that you should offer to do a makeover on her LOL! WINK WINK!
    She could benefit from your “help” ! I would love to see her with those stripey highlights and some tinted brows!!! hahaahaha



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