School Stuff

Cari and I have some great new ideas for school fundraisers.  In the next month we are going to have a thrift sale (gross), sell mums and asters and hopefully have a Morning Out at a local coffee shop.

We are also planning a triathlon for next spring, but we will wait until February to announce it.  In the meantime I will train, just in case.

Runnig, swimming, biking...I don't really care about winning, I just like to exercise.

Running, swimming, biking…I don’t really care about winning, I just like to exercise.

It would just be so amazing if I beat all of the other women at an athletic event, but of course i really don’t care either way.

4 thoughts on “School Stuff

  1. Cindy McCain

    A local coffee shop? Are you sure that’s exclusive enough? What if just anyone shows up? I’m not sure you’ve thought this all the way through, Lah Lee. You do look FABULA in your workout gear, my dear.



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