TBT Baton Twirler

I may have mentioned in the past that I have always been quite an extraordinary athlete.  This is not to brag, it is just the truth.

I used to do dance and of course I was always cheering for the football team during their sports games.

I was also a talented baton twirler, and one of the drum majorettes in our marching band.  Unlke many schools, our marching band was considered to be very cool by the rest of the student body, and I was extrememly popular.

This action shot appeared in the local paper and I was quite the star at school the next day. I just happened to come across it in a box in the attic at my parents' house, and thought that some of my readers would enjoy seeing me in action.

This action shot appeared in the local paper and I was quite the star at school the next day. I just happened to come across it in a box in the attic at my parents’ house, and thought that some of my readers would enjoy seeing me in action.

Unlike many women I know, I have kept up with my athletics and now am the best in many of my classes at the gym.  It is no wonder my boys are also such great athletes.

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