Professional Head Shots

Each year the PTO president sends home a letter in the back to school packets on the first day of the year.  I usually just toss it, but obviously this year everyone will want to read up on when the meetings will be and who is welcome to come (officially everyone, but there are certain people who should probably know better) and what our purpose is, etc.  In the past they try to make it fun by printing it on special paper with a school bus border, but Cari and I know better.  We are making our letter interesting and informative and we decided to include photos of ourselves, so new families recognize us and know better than to just approach us in the halls of school.

Today was the day of our professional photo shoot.  We started the day by dropping the kiddos (except Starling, who is amazingly still camping with Röbby!) off at my mother-in-law’s for a little surprise visit.  I explained to her housekeeper that this was planned, even though it wasn’t and I am sure it was a lovely treat after bridge lessons for a very beloved Grandmama.  Then we went to Cari’s house to do a lil’ wardrobe consult.  We had a hair and makeup people meet us there.  What the heck!  We decided to mix things up a lil’ with some extensions.  Then we had the photography team show up to do their magic.  We explained that we want to appear normal and approachable in these pictures, and they clearly understood exactly what we meant.

Cari had soft curls, and she looked absolutely gorge!

Only Cari could carry off this kind of plunging neckline in a school bulletin. Brava!

Only Cari could carry off this kind of plunging neckline in a school bulletin. Brava!

I went with some ringlets, like I used to have in college.  I felt so pretty.  I wish Röbby were home to see me, but he would probably just end up asking about the cost.  It was not inexpensive, but I consider it an investment in our future.

I think I look beachy, tousled and sexy here.

I think I look beachy, tousled and sexy here.

I think I should probably look into an intern to write the darned thing for us.  We are off to have a few drinks at a new outdoor beach themed bar.  I am sure that Grandmama would insist on having the littles stay for dinner if we had time to ask her.

12 thoughts on “Professional Head Shots

  1. Lulu Lemon

    You look so beautiful and Middle Eastern! Now I can see where Hummus got his name!

    Also your friend is a dead ringer for Teresa Guidice (before prison obvi- teehee!)


  2. mythreeangles Post author

    Yes. She does look a bit like Tree. I don’t really know, because Real Housewives of New jersey doesn’t play on PBS, which is really the only television I watch. I wish it would.


  3. krystal liet

    oh, lah lee! i am speachless. your so stunning. those curls really frame you’re face so well. i wish i had you’re bone structure so i could pull off that look. were the extensions just for the shoot or are they a weave that will stay on?


  4. Cindy McCain

    The housekeeper can take care of them. That’s what I do with mine, no worries.

    You’re looking awfully … dark. No blonde extensions? Remeber: you can never be too blonde or too high. I mean rich. And blonde.


  5. PSL Mama

    These are very pretty shots Lah Lee but because I love you and think of you as a dear friend, I am going to be honest for your sake. Sometimes less is more. Something a little more classic and simple would be a bit classier for this particular publication. You certainly want to create the proper image. Again, I tell you this because I love you and don’t want you and Cari to embarrass yourselves. I’d consider a “do-over.” XO


  6. NotaCatLady

    Oh my goodness– what a difference a little extra hair makes! I was just thinking– have you considered Botox treatment for your my grains? I hear it works well. Too bad you didn’t look into that before your photo shoot.



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