Trip Planning

I have to confess that I had not been looking forward to having Merlin home this week, and I even tried to find a camp that would take him for the rest of the summer.  It is not that I don’t just adore that kid, but he is very chatty, constantly going on and on about who knows what, and I am so busy this week, getting ready for our vacation next week.  Incredibly enough, Merlin has been a complete delight since he got home though, entertaining his siblings for hours so that I can get everything done.

He taught Starling some silly game he learned at camp and they have been out back laughing away all morning.  Look at how much fun Starling is having!

He taught Starling some silly game he learned at camp and they have been out back laughing away all morning. Look at how much fun Starling is having!

I have been trying to plan for all of our photo ops during the trip, because everyone knows that if you don’t take lots of pictures, it doesn’t count.  Röbby still hasn’t given me the exact deets on where we are going.  He says he wants to surprise me.  Urgh, i hate surprises.  He did say that picture of the ramshackle cabin was a joke, and he did do a lovely job with the overnight trip to the lake, so I guess I will trust him.  LOL.


22 thoughts on “Trip Planning

  1. Jumped the Sheep

    Oh my god are those sheep in your yard? Urban farming is so on trend right now. But how do you have time when you are so busy with going to the gym and making sure Ty’s dog and house are OK?

    I think you should get your kids into mutton bustin’ because they’d be adorbs!


  2. Maple Thorpe

    Take lots of costumes! I detest seeing boring pictures of children being spontaneous in dreary playclothes. The only pictures worth seeing are the ones with a lot of thought behind them.


    1. mythreeangles Post author

      Of course! I am not talking about snapshots, silly girl. I am thinking we should do full day photo shoots with costume changes to show what a wonderful time we are having on our trip.


  3. BusyMama

    There is an awesome deal where if your children all perform all the time and you document all of your trip and make a lil video you can be sponsored!!! All kids love showing off all the time and you get a free vacay. Look for sponsorship for your trip!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. kelly

    OMG! I would be going nuts not knowing my vacation destination!!! How will you know what to pack if you don’t know where you’re going? I would have to take at least three suitcases, just for me, to cover all possibilities. But I always overpack, and you’re always so chic and stylish — will you please do a packing / vacation capsule wardrobe post???


    1. mythreeangles Post author

      Well, I know we are not flying to India or anything, and we agreed to go to a lake home instead of a beach home, because we can get a much nicer lake front home than an ocean front home.

      I am just not sure exactly where we are going. I would love to plan photo shoots and whether I can take the kiddos to a fair to get pics on the midway, or if there is a dock so we can have photos of our feet dangling off, you know. Röbby just laughs and tells me to “go with the flow”. LOL.


      1. Cindy McCain

        Lakes are much safer as well. The oceans are full of boat people and needles. Lakes just have pee and motor oil.


  5. Lucille B

    Oh, Lah Lee, you’re going to have so much fun on your family vacation. I’m sure you’ll just have so many photos of your smiling happy children to print off and display all around your home.

    Now, your photos and styling are always on point, but I have just a few suggestions for what you may want to pack! Red, black, and white always look so stylish together, and you should try to incorporate stripes into someone’s outfit each time! Don’t you just love stripes? That can look a lil’ nautical, I think, so you could even get a sailor suit for you baby. How cute would a little sailor Hummus be?

    Also, try and find matching outfits for you and your children- some places make “Mommy and Me” outfits and swimsuits, which could be so cute for you and your lil’ Starling! Or maybe everyone in your family could get a pair of Saltwater sandals, I see Starling is wearing a lovely silver pair in the photo above- super cute! Pus they’ll be super-practical at a lake house, dontcha think?

    Anyway, I can’t wait to see what outfits you and your children wear on your vacay, I bet you’ll look so stylish. Will you be updating your blog and Instagram while you’re away, or are you going to go tech-free and ake a lil’ break?


  6. Lulemon Is My Goddess

    OMG! DO A JUMPING IN THE AIR PIC! Those are my ABSOLUTE favorite! They just look so spontaneous and care-free!


  7. Jumped the Sheep

    Do you know what would be amazing? If you can snap a pic of your littles at sunset making those heart shapes with their fingers! That will help display just how blessed and loved your children are! All the better if they are in matching/coordinated outfits!



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