More Trophies

Röbert and I got up bright and early this morning to take the drive out to pick Merlin up from Smart Camp (or whatever it is called).  I can’t believe that is his last camp this summer.  Only one more week until our family vacation, though!  I am so excited!

It was hard to decide what to wear for a Saturday award ceremony.  It is camp, so obvioulsy not dressy, but it was in a hotel in a city, so I didn’t want to look like a hick.  I decided to do preppy boho.  Not bad for a mom of three!

I think I look great in hats.

I think I look great in hats.

We dropped Starling and Merlin off with Grandmama, who acted surprised, but she always pulls that stuff.  “Oh, you didn’t call me.  I have plans.  Waaah, waaaah waaah.” What are we supposed to do?  Watch our own kids?  What a drama queen.

I had originally planned a day of spa treatments with Krystyn and Cari, so I had a touch of FOMO on the way up, but they sweetly kept texting me.  I guess Cari said something about Krystyn’s botox, which she totally has done on the regular, but which everyone knows you can’t mention to her, early in the day so they were angry with each other all afternoon.  I wish I had been there for that!

Once again, Merlin pretty much swept the awards, and everyone wanted to tell us what a delightful boy he is and so on.  I let everyone know that his sister is the real treat, and they should invite her next year.  I am sure they will.  Everyone seemed so interested in all of my stories about Starling.

This was the big overall award and he kept saying , "I can't believe I won it!"  Okay, enough Mr. Show-off!

This was the big overall award and he kept saying , “I can’t believe I won it!” Okay, enough Mr. Show-off!

I let Ty know that we could keep Dementor for as long as he needed us to, since his house might not be safe right now and he thanked me, of course.  He said that he was stopping by Renata’s place to pick up his stuff from her brother on the way home, and he’d come by for Dementor tomorrow.

How sad.  It sounded like his engagement didn’t work out.  Maybe next time he will choose a better person.

25 thoughts on “More Trophies

  1. Mheghann

    Spa day with the girls! How fun! Did you and Krystyn and Cari get manicures? I want to get a manicure some day. It’s on my bucket list.


  2. Mrs. Rothschild

    Hooray for Merlin! He seems like a sweet kid.

    Poor, poor Ty, though. Has he lost his job jet due to the kegger at his house? It’s so sad to see someone so kind suffer having his yard destroyed, his dog kidnapped, his heart broken, and his good name as a teacher ruined due to a crazy ex-girlfriend. I know you think it’s Renata, but I’ve watched a lot of Lifetime movies, and trust me, it’s not her. It truly has got to be an ex.

    Well, at least he has good friends like you to help him pick up the pieces.


    1. Cindy McCain

      My Jack has a crazy ex-girlfriend. Luckily his new wife knows 37 different ways to kill a person using only office supplies.


  3. Countess LuAnn

    I covet your life, Lah Lee. Your Roøbert looks just like a allactor whose name I can’t think of at the moment…from Carnivale?? Or a David Lynch thing? Help me out, ladies!!!


  4. 12thFetus4Jesus

    I don’t know about giving such heavy trophies to children, it just seems too dangerous. He’s holding it up so high that if he dropped it, it could really hurt another child. My children are never allowed to win trophies, another good reason for homeschooling.


  5. Cindy McCain

    Yay, king nerd, you must be so proud. Not quite as amazing as being the mother of a helicopter pilot like my Jack is. Still, we do what we can with what we have, right, Lah Lee? And you look so stripey in your picture! Very “first year at sleepaway camp.” Darling.


  6. ThisGirlIsCraCra

    Your kids are so awesome! I guess they get that from their parents. Merlin should really be in a school for the gifted, there must be one in your town. And Starling could be a spokesgirl for obese children! Imagine her showing photo’s of her old self compared to now! Tween girls would be biting at the bit to join her weight loss program. Great job parenting Lah Lee!


  7. MyFriendFleeka

    Where did Merlin get all those brains? Do you think it’s because be had a fun nerd name? Lol!
    Are you worried he will never get a girlfriend and he’ll have to live with you after college?



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