Clean Up Time

I guess Renata decided that she had caused enough destruction in Ty’s life for one week.  I took the doggies on a run past his house this morning and it looks like she tried to clean up a little, but the yard is pretty much destroyed and it looks like she had some workmen doing repairs inside the home too.  What is wrong with her?  Ty is such a nice man and she treats him terribly!

Beefy kicked the bags and they sounded like they are mostly bottles.  I am going to let that chatty religious lady who stands downtown handing out pamphlets about alcoholism and drug abuse know Renata's phone number and address so she can spend some time counseling her.

Beefy kicked the bags and they sounded like they are mostly bottles. I am going to let that chatty religious lady who stands downtown handing out pamphlets about alcoholism and drug abuse know Renata’s phone number and address so she can spend some time counseling her.

Meanwhile, Renata’s car is gone and I can’t imagine she will want to be there when Ty gets home tomorrow.  There is no reason for her to be there either, since St. Lah Lee stepped in once again to save the day, and take care of the dog. All the dogs really.  I have heard from many, many dog owners thanking me for finding their pets today.

Happy to be in a safe and loving home after the horrors of his week in the care of Renata, the snake.

Happy to be in a safe and loving home after the horrors of his week in the care of Renata, the snake.

10 thoughts on “Clean Up Time

  1. BusyMama

    Lahlee you are so giving and loving. But you need to think of you and your littles first. Renata sounds like a dangerous influence and the authorities should be alterted. It’s a pity the other mamas don’t watch out because who knows what she’ll do next!!!!!


    1. mythreeangles Post author

      I am sure she will deported eventually (although it turns out her parents are pretty local, so maybe she only looks foreign). I don’t want to put myself “out there” and make my beloved children into targets.


  2. What the what...?

    You really are a Saint, Lah Lee! Letting that lady downtown know Renata (obviously) needs help is just another one of the good deeds you do for your community. I really don’t know what they would do without you.

    I also think you should pay someone to make a Lasagna for Ty and bring it to his house upon his arrival home. I imagine you’re the ONLY person he wants to see and he’s going to need some support. I also wonder if any of Ty’s neighbors have called immigration on Renata? I’d be willing to bet they have.

    I imagine this all gave you an enormous my grain….


    1. mythreeangles Post author

      I have a terrible my grain, especially after cocktails with my gal pals tonight. Maybe you could make a lasagne and drop it off with a note from me? I am so busy right now.


      1. What the what...?

        Of course! Will you be having any? I can put some of the pills I use to handle my own my grains into it. Surely Ty has one as well.


  3. SugarToes

    I hope that your neighbourhood will soon be rid of this Renata infestation! On another note…how was Merlin’s week at Nerd Camp? Please tell me that there is still a small amount of “Cool” left in him!


  4. krystal liet

    oh lah lee ty is just so lucky to have you as a friend. you truly only care about his happiness. so glad you saved dementor (and the other pup’s!)


  5. Big Fan

    This sounds more and more serious. Is it all part of a big master plan? Obviously your foreign neighbours are in league with Regata, they are trying to undermine the foundations of our proud country! Infiltrating our schools by seducing our best teachers and destroying their morale! Leaving us defenceless without our dogs! Thank goodness your Beefeater was spared.
    Maybe you should get in touch with the FBI? I bet our local police force will not make the connection. And Ty needs to be rescued before he gets too deeply embroiled in their evil plots!


  6. Mom2Lex+Zander

    It’s an easy inspiration to me how you find time for everything. With my two littles we can barely get the boys and the dogs to the nearby park to get all their wiggles out. So hard to corral them all–well, for me. You do it all!
    My dogs never kick anything, though, just sniff it.
    I bet your children love having another pet, temporarily.


  7. Jumped the Sheep

    Lah Lee, you are truly an inspiration! Ramada is clearly a disturbed and terrible person and she has done you personal harm by stalking you and making your poor baby cry all the time at the gym. But here you are going to have someone reach out to her so that she can get help! I don’t know how you manage to do it because I don’t think I’d be big enough to want to help such a miserable creature. You are truly an inspiration and we are so blessed to have your blog as it reminds us to do more for the miserable wretches around us and think less about ourselves.



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