He May Actually Become Popular

Yesterday I was stuck in the car all day driving Merlin up to his soccer camp.  Don’t camps have busses that conveniently pick campers up anymore?  Has anyone even seen Meatballs?

Normally, Röbert would do the driving, but he had a long-planned hiking excursion up to the mountains and apparently Uber is too expensive for long distance travel.  I did find a Greyhound bus that would take him close to the camp, but Röbert thought he might get lost walking the last five miles, especially since he had never been there before.  He might have a point, but I didn’t want to waste a whole day!

I did anticipate Merlin’s incessant chatter and downloaded a Harry Potter audio book for him on an old iPod.  A couple of earbuds later I could chit chat and text with my gal pals on the phone without disturbance.

When we got there, they had all the boys put on their new uniforms and go out and play.  At first, I didn’t want to stay, but there was another mom there with amazing shoes who I wanted to get to know so I hung out with her a bit.  She kept commenting on one fantastic player and when I looked up it was Merlin!

I am shocked by how he doesn't look completely nerdy when he is in a uniform.

I am shocked by how he doesn’t look completely nerdy when he is in a uniform.

On the way home I tried to listen to a podcast about soccer but nope, too boring.  I listened to a new book I had heard about called Grey instead.  I generally only read literary classics and important non-fiction, but this book is so well written and thought provoking.

Anywho, this week is all about me and Starling and finding a place to drop off Hummus for the day.  I am so looking forward to it!


19 thoughts on “He May Actually Become Popular

  1. Equestrian Pilates mama

    Yay! Mama-daughter week. Such fun! A great time to use her birthday gift vouchers, since boys just hate shopping (even for toys!)


  2. Big Fan

    I hope you enjoy your girly time with Stealing! I wish I could take Huumus for you but my gorgeous little chihuahua doggie gets very jealous if he had to share!


  3. Cindy McCain

    Was your book “Grey” or “Fifty Shades of Grey”?

    Good luck offloading Hummus and I hope you and Sterling have a wonderful girls’ week!


      1. Cindy McCain

        John’s not a very good actor. He’s too honest. It’s just impossible for him to lie even a little bit… so no trodding the boards for him!


  4. Jules

    Oooo, I have a suggestion! You and Staring should totally go to a plastic surgeon for a fun consult. He (or she??? lol right) could give little Staring some goals, like better cheekbones, bigger boobs, removing ribs, that sort of thing. I bet you could get him to draw on her face and body with a sharpy so you could all visualize the improvements. Then you could go to the bank and start a savings account for the surgeries so that she can get them done when she turns 16, or whatever. Then some fat free, sugar free froyo to celebrate!! 😀


  5. PSL Mama

    I’ll bet you will miss your sweet, smart and talented Merlin this week. Who will do the cleaning? And who will bathe Hummus? Hope you and Starling have a great week. Merlin will love camp. Maybe Marge could watch Hummus? He could teach her boys some tennis lessons!


    1. mythreeangles Post author

      Of course i miss him desperately. I am just happy knowing he is having fun and being so much better than the other kids. Did I mention that out is an elite camp? And he was offered a full scholarship?


  6. Mrs. Rothschild

    You are so smart to download Harry Potter for Merlin. It’s hard to take selfies while driving when your kid is distracting you. You did get some selfies, didn’t you, to show how awesome of a mom you are sacrificing your day to take Merlin to camp?

    So Róbert is back to hiking excursions again? I guess it is summertime and the temptation to wander is strong. I hear the Appalachian Trail is a pleasurable hike this time of year. Do you live near some part of it by any chance?

    Enjoy your week with Starling! Girl time is the best!


  7. kelly

    Oh Lah Lee, I know you are a very devoted mother, so I really hope you weren’t texting while driving! That is so distracting! Even talking on the phone can be really dangerous. Please tell me you use a headset for chatting while driving? And voice-to-text? Need to keep those lil’ angles safe!


    1. mythreeangles Post author

      Of course I text while driving. Everyone texts while driving. How would i be able to send my selfies out if i wasn’t texting? And have you driven a long distance lately? Boring. I need to text with my friends.

      You don’t need to worry, though. I am an excellent driver and never allow myself to be distracted.



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