Tennis Moms

I think I was just snubbed by Margie Harris, of all people.

I took Hummus over to his first Lil’ Lobsters class at the community courts, and Margie was there with a group of ladies I didn’t recognize.  Margie’s twins have been playing tennis for a few months, and it seems that she knows all of the other moms already.  I got Hummus signed in and decided to join them at the cute lil’ umbrella tables on the patio.  Margie must still have hard feelings about the school gala, because she completely ignored me, and I could see her whispering with the ladies.Honestly, just get over it, Margie!

She must also be rude to her hairdresser, because no one who liked her would make her hair look like that.

She must also be rude to her hairdresser, because no one who liked her would make her hair look like that.

When I sat down the ladies were a bit quiet, but I knew that I would quickly win them over with my vivacious personality.  Poor Margie and her uncoordinated boys didn’t stand a chance.  People just love me, and frankly, Margie is a bit dull.

Everyone, of course, couldn’t believe it when they saw my lil’ toddler burning up the courts.  And when I mentioned that his older brother was heading to an elite soccer camp and genius camp this summer, Margie and her sort of smart twins seemed a little less interesting all of a sudden. By the end of the 45 minute class two of the women were hanging on my every word, and Elana had leaned over to let me know that she had seen Margie’s husband out driving with the waitress from the Club Car Saloon.  Who hasn’t?   I would never gossip of course, because I am such a nice person.

4 thoughts on “Tennis Moms

  1. EPM

    Margie’s obviously just jealous of your perfect brows!
    Also LOL at her twins being in lil Lobsters with Hummus. Aren’t they Merlin’s age?


  2. PSL Mama

    Those Mom groups for competitive sports can be tough to penetrate. Glad you wiggled your way in quickly and showed Margie who’s the boss. A warning though, they can be very competitive and catty and I know that is not your game. Have you ever seen Dance Moms?



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