Feeling down :(

This morning I was approached by one of the assistants at The Stanislaus Wrobinski Tennis Academy about an opening in their residential program for Hummus this fall.  Normally they don’t take children as young as he is, but when I promised to potty train him before he started there, of course they wanted him!

He is so focussed when he plays!

He is so focussed when he plays!

When I got home, Röbert was holding some mail,and looking very stern.  It seems that I may have forgotten to tell him about how much time Hummus has been spending at The Academy, and it cost a lot more than either of us imagined.  A LOT more.  Oh well, that is what credit cards are for!

Anywho, Röbert made me go back and pick him up and withdraw him from all of his classes. Later, I could tell Röbert felt bad about denying our baby this amazing opportunity, because he had signed him up for Lil’ Lobsters at the community courts.  I will try, but I am not sure I can stand to take him to such a low rent facility after the progress he has made with his clay court game this spring.

This is what Röbert thinks is acceptable?

This is what Röbert thinks is acceptable?

I guess it is back to the gym child care for Hummus this summer.  That is okay, but it kind of ruins a lot of my plans for me and my friends.  Being a Mom is all about sacrifice, but it would be nice to have a little more support.

11 thoughts on “Feeling down :(

  1. AbsaSteele

    Ooooo, I bet Roebbie looked so hot when he was stern with you! He looks like the kind of fella who could totally dominate a relationship in a 50 Shades kind of way. Bow-chicka-bow-bow!! Maybe it’s the eyebrows.

    Sorry about the fancy tennis lessons. Maybe if you were a bit more of a Maxxinista (ahem) you’d have more money to spend on your littles. Just sayin’.


  2. HotWifeSuperMom

    When my youngest son, Cullen Andromeda, started taking a liking to golf we had similar issues. Who knew that a hole-in-one on the putt-putt courses of Myrtle Beach (TRASHIEST vacation destination ever, by the way, but my husband was sent their on a conference so we tagged along) would result in a full immersion, under three, golf boarding golf school. I think it was called Greg Norton’s academy or something like that. Anyways, Cullen Andromeda showed a strong natural talent just like Hummus, and it would really be a shame to take him away from something he is showing such passion and aptitude in. You know, I”m pretty sure if children under the age of eighteen win purses in major events like the Derby, or the Masters Green Jacket Cup, or the Wimbledon, their parents are responsible for that money. You need to really sit Robbie down and have a heart to heart about skilled children that are left among the commoners. I think it can bad for their Sike-E.


  3. suzy

    What a disappointment for you! I know you need your gym time while he was in practice to keep from catching Karen’s fattness. I bet you feel down! Maybe you need a lil shopping to cheer you up?


    1. mythreeangles Post author

      As a matter of fact i did a lil’ shopping for myself yesterday while Röbert got to Daddy around with the littles and found myself a new purse that is quite cheering.


  4. Equestrian Pilates Mama

    Poor, poor wee Hummus. The contrast in his body language between those 2 photos is so telling. He just radiates confidence in his academy picture compared to his community courts pic where he just looks scared and sad.

    P.S Don’t feel too bad about Hummus not being potty trained yet. Not all toddlers can be trained at 78.2 weeks old like my littles were.


  5. Cindy McCain

    Honestly, this might be a blessing in disguise. Used to be, you knew who you’d be facing across that net when you signed up for a match at the club. These days it’s all Commies and…other types. Tennis just isn’t what it used to be.

    Have you considered bridge? That’s a high-class, reliably white pastime where you can meet rich old men. Perhaps Sterling would be interested.


  6. Mrs. Rothschild

    Wow, Lah Lee, first the hunting cabin and now Röbert says no tennis academy. He seems mighty worried about money. I don’t mean to pry, but do you think there’s something going on at work and he’s concerned about his job? I hope everything’s okay.

    Have you thought about starting a Gofundme or Kickstarter for your vacation house? I’m sure all your friends and family could contribute a lil’ bit and it would add up quickly. Just a thought.



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