School News

Merlin came home from school with some great news today.  Mr. Williams is going to be his teacher again next year.  Apparently my pal Ty enjoys being with all of the weirdos in the Gifted Class.  Merlin adores him, so that is great news for us.  I don’t think that having such a good friend among the nerds’ parents made Ty’s decision harder either!

Amber came home with Starling to work on a Science Fair project.  They have taken photos of all of their classmates faces and are posting them on an app where other people can rate them for attractiveness.  Then they are going to personally rank them for popularity and make a chart comparing the numbers.  It should be interesting.

I wonder how Fat Alice is going to do?

I wonder how Fat Alice is going to do?

They posted the pictures and then went out back to play.  They are just such happy, fun lovin’ lil’ gals!  I am sure their photos would be very popular but they said they can’t use their own pictures because of scientific principles.  Oh well!

They are both tens on my app!

They are both tens on my app!

14 thoughts on “School News

  1. Kimmie from NEPA

    Great job teaching you’re daughter the scientific method! Your right, if her photo were included, it would totally skew the results! You need to include kids from the whole range of attractiveness and popularity, not just the most attractive/popular one’s. Its a harsh truth in todays world that attractiveness = popularity and success. Kids are never too young to learn that lesson. Can’t wait to see the result’s of this science fair experiment!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pesky Boys

    What a brilliant experiment! Is the app they are using called Tinder? I’ve heard that’s good. Or a vintage website called Hot Or Not.


  3. PSL Mama

    Boy that fat Alice’s head really IS fat! No wonder Starling is not friends with her. Although think of how thin Starling must look standing next to her?! I am sure she is a nice on the inside.


  4. Equestrian pilates mama

    Eww look at the pores on fat Alices face! Gross!
    Starling is such a science genius, especially for a girl. Her, Amber and their beaming smiles would be a 10 on the app for sure!


    1. mythreeangles Post author

      Starling is so smart, especially for a girl. They wanted her to be in the genius class too, but she didn’t want to be with all of the nerds.

      She and Amber do look adorable with their big smiles.


  5. Cindy McCain

    Oh what a wonderful science fair idea! That’s so brilliant of Sterling. You know that’s how Mark Zuckerberg, of the FACEBOOK Zuckerbergs, got his start! Rating pictures for hotness or notness is the sign of a GENIUS who will soon be raking in the money as she lets angel investors fight over scraps!

    How lovely and I’m sure this project will be a very illuminating look into the psyche of that coveted demographic: the tween.

    You’re such a brilliant mamma! Good for you for raising such interesting curious kids. No wonder Ty wants to have you on his parent-teacher conference list for one more year.


  6. lovesfish

    OMG, science! Its so important to get our girls interested in STEM subjects! Besides, I hear engineers make bank, and your lil cutie Starling could snag a high-paying-hubby so easy! Those nerds wouldn’t know what hit them, lol! #MRSdegree


  7. mythreeangles Post author

    I think if she signs up for some sort of science major in college we will only have to pay for a semester or two before she snags a man with real earning potential.


    1. marymary

      so inspiring! Brilliant way to meet a man, you can’t start thinking about that too early. She doesn’t want to be left on the shelf at 29. *shudder*



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