At Home with my Kiddos

This week is spring break for Merlin and Staring so we are all home together, making wonderful memories.  I had thought we would be going someplace warm this week, but Röbert insists we can’t afford it.  I don’t understand why he is being so cheap.   I am sure we could afford a lovely little inn in Florida or something.  He gets to go on trips all of the time. Right now he is in Macon, Georgia for 3 days, and that is fine, but the rest of us are just stuck here at home.

I got the kids up early this morning so we could make some cleaning memories, LOL.  You would be absolutely amazed at what a child as young as Hummus can do.  He scurries around under things scrubbing the floors like a lil’ machine.  “Rub harder!” I tell him, and he does, with a giant smile.  The cleaning liquid I have him using smells so strongly that I don’t like to use it, but the chemicals don’t seem to bother him at all, except for a lil’ rash around his eyes later in the day.

The older two, on the other hand, are acting a lil’ too good for cleaning up after themselves.  Merlin claimed he was scared cleaning the gutters. You know given half a chance he would be scrambling all over the roof for fun like a lil’ mountain goat, but the minute I send him up there he is all, “Boo Hoo, it is too high.  The roof is steep!  Wah.”  I had to stand in the yard until he was done because every time I went inside to talk on the phone he would start crying again.  He was acting like a real baby.

I gave Starling some clothes to put away but the next thing I knew she was chatting on her phone with her friends.  Girls!  What can you do?

After lunch Starling went over to play with a new girl in her class.  I have to say that I like Amber’s mother Cari a lot.  She also loves to work out and volunteer at the children’s school. I think we might co-chair the end of year party and show these dopes how a party should be.  Merlin went to play with those drippy twins.  Every time I see Margie, their mom, I wonder if we are even the same species.  She is so dumpy.

Then, since Hummus had fallen asleep in the car I did a lil’ shopping and bought myself a cup of tea to bring home and relax with.  The first cup they gave me was wrong but I paid for it anyway and decided to bring it over to Ty’s, since it is the exact kind he always orders.  He was so pleased to see me!

He explained all about debate, which, yup, is as boring as I thought, but he was so enthusiastic that I pretended to consider going next year.

He explained all about debate, which, yup, is as boring as I thought, but he was so enthusiastic that I pretended to consider going next year.

I am about to put the kids to bed and spend another evening as a lonely, single mom.

ETA: I just found Röbert’s old computer up in the attic in a locked trunk under a pile of tarps.  It is last year’s model and he just got the new one last weekend and it is hardly used so I thought I could let one of the kids use it for schoolwork but I can’t figure out the password.  I have tried “MyHotWife”, “ILoveMyWife”, “LahLeeisHot”, “Password”, “”HappilyMarried”, “MountainMan”, “ILoveLahLee” and “VeryHappilyMarried” and none of them work.  Any ideas?

17 thoughts on “At Home with my Kiddos

  1. Equestrian Pilates Momma

    Such a shame Merlin isn’t pulling his weight. It’s a pity you can’t send your lil climber Hummus up there.

    It’s usually recommended that people don’t use obvious passwords so that rules out things like ‘Lahleeisthebestmom’ or ‘Lahleeissosuperskinny’.
    Maybe he used a joke password such as ‘Merlinisthegreatest’ or ‘Karen’ or something…idk LOL


  2. PSL Mama

    Cleaning memories are the best kind…especially if my housekeeper is making them while I am out shopping! HA! Seriously LahLee, no housekeeper? EVERYONE has a housekeeper these days. Röbert needs to up his game if he cannot provide one. These are the important things in life, my sweet friend.


    1. Cindy McCain

      I have 3 or 4 housekeepers per house so that’s like, 20 or so, total. Or something like that.

      BUT it is very darling of you to keep your kids so grounded by sending them up ladders! So creative Mama!


      1. OMG

        You know when you first posted the picture found in the suitcase I thought maybe something illicit was going on between your hubby and the hag. However, now I know there is no way he’d cheat on you. He’ll never find another quality wife.

        I mean he’s clearly lying about something but now I think he either lied before you were married, when you were doing a background check on his financial prospects. Or he’s hiding money from you now. I mean not being able to afford vacation or help, really! I mean you did hire a financial detective before you said yes to make sure he could support you, no?


  3. Jacqueline V

    I bet Staples or somewhere could help with the password. He probably has so many memories of your life together, I’d want to back them up for him. Precious emails, pictures… Sigh. He’s so romantic.


      1. Yummy Mommy Pregnant Tummy

        I was at the Genius Bar the other week and their counter was all completely scratched. It looked like a manic, overweight, polka-dancing troupe had put on horseshoes and hoofed it all over the surface. You would think Apple would take better care and present a more professional look. You wouldn’t see Sony endorsing that kind of thing…


  4. Katherine Spade

    Surely Karen and Mitch have a vacation home they could let you borrow for free? It’s the least they could do considering how much you’ve had to deal with that vicious dog Beefeater. Heck- they could even join you all- Karen likes babysitting, right? I bet Robert would totally be on board with this.


    1. mythreeangles Post author

      Karen and Mitch are incredibly stingy with their beach home. It is almost like they are trying to hide something from us. Anyway, it is not in a place I would want to spend much time.


  5. @KathFails

    I am sad that you did not go to Mexico to the beach for Spring break. We did, but flying ( first class) is really tiring and the food at resorts is not that great. I hope you have signed up your kids for camps this summer?


  6. Pearshaped

    Have you tried important dates, like your birthday, wedding anniversary, one of the kids’ birthdays?
    I can’t believe how calm and composed you are, I can’t bear having to wait for anything.


  7. #soblessed

    Have you tried 1234 for the password? I know I shouldn’t be putting my preferred password out into the world for everyone to see, but other than that one time a Nigerian prince got into my email, it’s worked fine (and honestly, I’m totally ok with royalty asking my friends and family for help…I mean, we should really all help out royalty when given a chance).



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