Nearly a Tragedy

Merlin probably did really well at they debate thingy earlier this week.  I kind of zoned out while he was telling me about it.  It is so boring. But to each their own, I guess.  I want to catch up with Ty and ask him how it went sometime soon.

Today Merlin wanted to practice bow and arrowing again.  I know it is a weird sport that is bound to get him bullied and teased, but he likes it so I figure as long as it is in a place where no one can see him it will be fine.  I helped him set it up behind our house and he was shooting at a target but he never ever misses.  It is crazy, he is very accurate at shooting that thing.  I kept moving him back further and further from the target.

At this point he is clear across the yard, nearly in the azaleas.

At this point he is clear across the yard, nearly in the azaleas.

I swear I could barely even see the target, but he kept hitting it.  Then he asked if I heard a noise.  I said, “No, keep shooting!  You are like Robin Hood.  Keep shooting those arrows.  Faster!”  But he insisted that we go investigate the noise and you will never believe what we found.  It was Beefeater.  Somehow he had escaped from his house again and his leash was stuck under a rock right next to the target, but you couldn’t see him at all.  He was sleeping back there I guess.  Merlin could easily have hit him and killed him.

How on earth did he get back there?  He appeared to have Benadryl on his breath as well.

How on earth did he get back there? He appeared to have Benadryl on his breath as well.

I had Merlin bring him back over to the Sullivans and put him in the house before Karen got home from shopping.  No need to unnecessarily upset her.

8 thoughts on “Nearly a Tragedy

      1. mythreeangles Post author

        Obviously no one would suggest that. it is just that Beefeater is such a wicked, wicked animal and the very thought of him living right next door to my beautiful babies makes me crazy sometimes. But we do endure some terrible things as Mamas, don’t we? Like, earlier this week I ran clean out of wine and the liquor store was closed for President’s Birthdays or some such. I breathed through that, and gave the kids Benadryl so they could breath through it too. I will survive these trials and indignities.


  1. PSL Mama

    Oh LaLee you have had a tough week. What with Valentine’s Day and then Merlin wearing that hideous sweater out in public and now this. Since today is Friday you should take a spa day and have some girlfriends over for happy hour. You deserve it. Wonder how Beefeater got into the Benadryl? I thought they had safety caps. He must be really vicious if he can tear into a Benadryl bottle. Sometimes I struggle with it after a few glasses of wine if you know what I mean.


    1. mythreeangles Post author

      Thank you so much for your kind thoughts. My life is often a struggle and no one seems to notice or even care. I took your advice last night and went out with my gal pals and had a blast. We went bowling! It was so crazy!



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