He Takes After Me

In Merlin’s genius class they have been doing debating.  It sounds basically like arguing except that you can’t choose which side you argue about.  I argue a lot so I just know he takes after me. I tried to show him how to cry and flounce out of the room during an argument but he said you can’t do that when you are trying a debate.  Anywhoo, he and his teacher (my close, close friend Ty) were going to some state debating contest today.  I had no idea that this was a big deal.  i guess he has been doing a lot of debating and I just haven’t been able to make it to a single one because of my busy, busy schedule, but this one is very important.  I had to drop him at school early this morning and there were people from the newspaper there to take his picture.  i guess he is the youngest person who debates or something.

So proud!

If I had known this was such big deal I probably would have gotten him a blazer to wear like he has been asking me.

If I had known this was such big deal I probably would have gotten him a blazer to wear like he has been asking me.

4 thoughts on “He Takes After Me

      1. Cindy McCain

        yeah, I am wondering how you let him out of the house wearing that sweater, LOL! You must have been having some vodkawine for breakfast when you let him wear that!


  1. mythreeangles Post author

    He kept asking for a new blazer, but I thought he had one that fit him. Then he decided to wear the hideous sweater that Röbert’s sister sent him. I didn’t know that debate testing was something that anyone cared about.



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