Three Questions

I have three questions today.

Question number one:  Is costume jewelry in any way the same thing as jewelry?

Question B:  Does Kate Spade have a line at Kohl’s all of a sudden because I think some of her stuff looks hideous?

Final question: Do husbands even listen anymore?

I am about to be taken out to dinner at a Mexican restaurant, not that cute French place in town.  Very romantic.  I can’t even bear to ask which Mexican place because I think I may be back later to tell you what the new dollar menu at Taco Bell is like.

Of course, I would never let Röbert know how disappointed I am.  I am always very stoic, even when faced with major life events such as getting costume jewelry and being taken out to a Mexican place for a date.

All ready for my big night out.  I think I must have been near Beefeater today and had a lil' allergic reaction because my eyes are a tiny bit puffy.

All ready for my big night out. I think I must have been near Beefeater today and had a lil’ allergic reaction because my eyes are a tiny bit puffy.

I ended up eating all of the Valentine’s Candy that Röbert bought for Merlin today.  I don’t think he likes sweets anyway, so it really doesn’t matter.

Whatever God damned restaurant I am being taken to tonight better have a frozen margarita machine, that is all I am saying.


11 thoughts on “Three Questions

  1. Pesky Boys

    I feel your pain! So often men just don’t get it. But clearly he meant to give you large sparklies and a classy purse – he just didn’t know where to buy. Your joint credit card to the rescue to replace them, right?

    As for Mexican food on a romantic holiday – ugh. At least he had to drive while you enjoyed margaritas for both of you!

    I wonder if Ty would be so clueless?

    Also, you should test out if you are really allergic. Maybe give Beefeater some leftover Valentine’s chocolate and then rest up on your couch or bed (definitely indoors) to see what happens.


    1. mythreeangles Post author

      I am pretty sure he knew where to buy them because I took him there and pointed them out. He says we can’t afford them but somehow he can buy himself new suits for work.

      I don’t need to test my allergies because Beefeater is a vicious awful animal so I must be allergic to him.

      No other man, especially Ty, would ever be so clueless.


  2. PSL Mama

    I am sorry Robert screwed up your Valentine’s Day. What is with these men?….blah blah blah “can’t afford’ What does that even mean?! P.S. How do you get those little pretentious dots over his name?


    1. mythreeangles Post author

      Thank you for your sympathy. He absolutely ruined my entire day. I am sure you can’t even tell but I cried and cried.

      He spends all sorts of money on things he wants; car repairs, traveling hither and yon on “business trips”, a whole wardrobe of clothing he only wears to work, but somehow we can’t afford jewelry, designer clothes and travel for me.

      Those “pretentious” dots are called an umlaut and just because Röbert is classier and has a better name than most people doesn’t make them pretentious. They are European, dear.


      1. PSL Mama

        My apologies. I did not mean that in a negative way. I actually did not know Röbert was European and I did not know how to properly type the umlaut. I know you are just having a tough day. If it makes you feel any better my husband only bought me fancy truffles. Yes, they were kind of expensive but they just will make me fat! It’s okay. I spent the day shopping online for myself. It all evens out.


  3. A Tranger

    I did not realize that Röbert was European either. Where I live people with umlauts are hard to find. Did you have difficulty snagging him?


    1. mythreeangles Post author

      Robert is not from Europe, but umlauts are. Of course he is quite a catch, but he pursued me. We all have unusual names. But that makes us more interesting and smarter than most of the people you know.


  4. grammarian

    you need to check his bank accounts and his phone and find out what he has really been doing, and his email

    a friend would want you to know


    1. mythreeangles Post author

      Government needs to mind their own damned business when it comes to affairs of the heart, I should be able to gently encourage him with a few well placed blows in my own home.



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