
I was looking through Röbert’s closet to see if he had ended up with my my yoga pants in there by mistake and, in a box way in the back, I found a long blonde wig.  Funnn!  He must have put it there to surprise me sometime.  It looks so cute on me.  I can’t wait to wear it to book club.

Who is that hot blonde, hmmm?

Who is that hot blonde, hmmm?

My mom had Hummus over at her house for a couple of days last week while I was busy here.  I missed my lil’ buddy!  She bought him a toy that spits out little balls and then picks them up again.  He loves it, but it is kind of plastic and cheap looking, and I prefer wooden toys in my house.  It is so like a vacuum in theory that I think I will just let him play with my Dyson and kill two birds with one stone.  How great to have my baby take over my least favorite chore!  Now that Merlin does all of the ironing and dishes and laundry, it only seems fair that Hummus should pick up a job or two, right?

My baby is getting so big!

My baby is getting so big!

The school kept calling me last week and when I went in to run the event in Merlin’s room they cornered me and told me that Starling was suspended again for bullying.  I think they are bullying her at this point.  Ironically I think the Wozinski’s next door have started home schooling Stella and Izzy because they were being bullied. Maybe they could teach Starling for me too!  I love the idea of having her home with me but the idea of teaching her math is just so ugh!

She's an angle, not a bully.

She’s an angle, not a bully.


8 thoughts on “Ch-ch-ch-changes

  1. Cindy McCain

    That’s so cute that you claim Merlin does all the chores. I wonder why you are teaching him girl chores though? Are you not afraid it will feminize (my goodness, that word looks like feminazi!) him? I think boys should learn how to handle the world, after all they will be going out in it fighting to keep our women safe at home. You should teach him, or Robert should, how to handle boy things like hiring weapons contractors and roofing. And teaching Hummus how to vacuum? Where’s his apron? LOL!


      1. Cindy McCain

        Aww that’s so adorable! I guess you work with your landscaping company to give him some fun things to do? I mean, since Robert is gone all the time?


      2. mythreeangles Post author

        I feel like it is an opportunity for him to get some exercise and be outdoors. He has also learned a little Spanish from the guys. Aren’t undocumented workers amazing? So cost effective!


  2. Big fan

    Squeeee! That pic of Hummus is So CUTE! What a big boy he is now! He looks so like Robert! And you didn’t tell us that he’s walking!
    I’m glad you are teaching your kids to do chores, I bet you are such a good teacher and so patient, letting them learn, when you know it is so much quicker to do them yourself. What chores does Starling do?



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