Disaster Averted, but Barely

I ran over to see Karen today because she (once again) was not taking my phone calls.  I took over a fresh baked batch of brownies (I get them from the bakery then put them in my own pan to make them look like I made them…it saves all sorts of time) and a bottle of wine.  I know Karen’s weak spots, LOL.  Anywhoo, we had a nice lil’ get together and I was getting ready to leave when I spotted the most horrifying thing.  Beefeater was out of his cage, I mean crate, and was playing with my lil’ bebeh, Hummus!

Have you ever seen a scarier photo?

Have you ever seen a scarier photo?

I know that Beefeater is supposedly “cured” now, but excuse me, I am not “cured” of my fear.  Anyone who has ever experienced and unprovoked attack like I did would also not be cured!

I still have nightmares about this day.  Beefeater is a vicious, cruel beast!

I still have nightmares about this day. Beefeater is a vicious, cruel beast!

I snatched up poor lil’ Hummus and scolded Karen about her disregard for MY comfort and MY needs.  She apologized of course, but I am not sure that is enough this time.

11 thoughts on “Disaster Averted, but Barely

  1. PSL Mama

    Oh my goodness! I am so glad you are OK! I confess that when you did not reply to comments or post for a few days I was worried something awful had happened to you. I know that probably sounds crazy but I feel like I know you for following along here;) I feel like we are virtual BFF’s. So, are you and Karen still on the outs? The photo actually looked like Hummus liked hanging out with Beefeater. I just guess one can never predict when he’ll turn vicious.


    1. mythreeangles Post author

      There is a new pilates teacher at the gym who is kind of a bitch so I have had to spend a lot of time talking about her with my friends and also talking to member services about how she really needs to be fired. Someone apparently figured out where her locker was and put some very truthful letters about her appearance and attitude through the vent holes so she quit yesterday. So now I have lil’ more time.


  2. Cindy McCain

    Beefeater???? MORE LIKE CUJO AM I RIGHT? I never saw this picture before, I think you should show this photo to animal control and get this dog issue settled once and for all. The look on the face is completely insane and the dog looks vicious too.


    1. mythreeangles Post author

      Cindy, I think you must have missed my history with Beefeater. He always seemed like a nice enough dog, but then he ran away from home twice, and I found him both times. I was pretty heroic. Then I was attacked by him. He is a vicious creature and I am lucky to be alive. The more I read about Golden Retrievers online, the more I think they are worse than crocodiles.



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