Dive Bar Fun

I keep hearing about how the hipsters love “dive” bars and drinking dive bar beers, which come in retro cans.  OMG!  Funnnnn!  So last night I told Karen that we should have a girl’s night.  She wanted to go see a speaker at the university, something about books or some such so I told her that I would get tickets and we headed downtown.

Of course I had no intention of spending one single second trying not to fall asleep at some boring lecture.  I pretended that I had no idea what she was talking about when she brought it up and she actually had the nerve to act angry.  She was a real party pooper the rest of the night.  I was a lil’ nervous when I saw the place.  It didn’t look all that nice, but I bravely put on my hipster eyeglasses and went on in.

The neighborhood even smelled bad!  Crazy.

The neighborhood even smelled bad! Crazy.

Karen wanted to leave right away but I made her stay.  I had the car keys, after all, so it was up to me.  We ordered beer in cans, LOL.  You will never ever guess who I ran into!  Ty was there with a group of guys.  They were playing billiards in another room, which is why I didn’t see him right away.  Boy, he sure seemed surprised to see me.  Maybe it was because I was wearing my cool glasses?  Who knows.

Hipster selfie, lol!

Hipster selfie, lol!

What a fun night.  Karen had to drive home and she barely said a word the whole way.  Oh well. She needs to get over it.

24 thoughts on “Dive Bar Fun

  1. A Tranger

    Karen doesn’t seem very open to new experiences. Also she’s not very grateful. After all, there’s always some boring lecture to go to, but how often is a good friend going to take her to a dive bar?


  2. Cindy McCain

    OMG have you ever thought of real estate? Flipping houses is super lucrative, guaranteed, and super super easy. You just buy an ugly house in a neighborhood like that, and tear it down or turn it into condos, and sell to hipsters! It’s called gentrification and it’s the ONLY way to help poor neighborhoods, bless their defective hearts. You can take advantage of foreclosures, there is all kinds of ways to do it, and you get some money for helping poor neighborhoods get cooler! You should try it!


    1. Yummy Mommy Pregnant Tummy

      Mrs McCain, it’s empathetic and forward thinking like this that our country needs. It’s the best way to help ‘those’ neighborhoods. You really understand the common person and how best to help them. You would have made such an inspirational and relatable First Lady.
      Damn that Palin woman! Everyone knows it was all her fault. Your husband is perfect, a real home-grown American, his face full of sunshine. When he makes a vow he sticks to it. It must have been torture for him to watch her ruin everything.


      1. Cindy McCain

        I will answer you even though I think you’re not rich.

        INDEED that Palin woman! She is the ONLY reason my brilliant, former prisoner of war husband lost the election and SEE where we are today! I’m sure we can all agree that we would have been much better off under a McCain caliphate if we had won.

        THANKS FOR BRINGING THAT UP. Now I am sad again. Where is my drug cocktail.


      2. Cindy McCain

        Also I think the best way to help the underserved is to have hipsters move into their neighborhoods and demonstrate American family values, like celebrating after a sports team wins by setting fires.


    2. mythreeangles Post author

      This sounds like such excellent get rich advice. I will let Röbert know about it tomorrow! I love helping poor people, especially if I don’t have to go to their neighborhoods.


      1. Cindy McCain

        I mean, you might have to go to supervise your contractors who are actually doing the work so you can make $50K+ guaranteed profit, but if you do it during the summer they will probably have their shirts off and be hot college hunks.


  3. MY epic dance

    I’m a big fan but I have to say that I have had friends pull a similar bait and switch and I think Karen has every right to be pissed.

    Imagine how you would feel if the same thing happened to you or Starling? You would be sooo pissed!


  4. Marla

    Haters gonna hate, girlfriend! < I saw that on Pinterest & it's so true, isn't it? Hope you & Ty played Shake It Off on the jukebox REAL LOUD and let Karen enjoy her pity party alone! (Sad.)



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