Guitar Mix-Up

Merlin has been playing the guitar for a couple of months now and already it sounds less like caterwauling and more like actual music.  Röbert said that we should let him return the guitar that Ty loaned us and buy him a decent instrument of his own.  Have you looked at the prices for guitars lately?  They are outrageous!  I found one that I was sure was fine and it was shaped like a dog.  Merlin loves dogs, so I ordered it.  It is adorable and I am sure he will grow to love it.

So cute and it matches his new dog theme bedding.

So cute and it matches his new dog theme bedding.

When Röbert got home from work he was furious because he said it is not a real guitar, it is a toy.  I am sure I have no idea what the difference is.  I was just trying to save money.  Ugh

Starling was invited to a slumber party this Friday at her friend Martha’s house.  She was so excited since Martha and her mother have been a bit cool to us lately, so I went out and bought her all new Frozen pajamas and sleeping bag and pillow for her big night out.  She is thrilled.

Someone said Merlin is the only one who ever smiles.  Look at this lil' angle beaming and suck it, hater!

Someone said Merlin is the only one who ever smiles. Look at this lil’ angle beaming and suck it, hater!

8 thoughts on “Guitar Mix-Up

  1. PSL Mom

    I guess haters gonna hate but Starla is NOT smiling she is glaring at you. There is a difference. But that cutie Merlin is smiling even thought you bought him a fake guitar. What a gracious, sweet boy. He’s my favorite angle.


  2. A Tranger

    Sometimes I think Röbert doesn’t appreciate how hard you work to save him money. Anybody might confuse playing *with* a dog (like the way Merlin does with Beefeater) with *playing* a dog. Anyway, it’s not an important mistake like buying the wrong purse!

    May Röbert needs to stick to making the money and let you do your job, spending it. He doesn’t seem to understand how important true partnership is in a marriage.


      1. Grammarian grammarian

        How could he, he’s a man
        Women have it so much harder, how we are expected to serve and give and never have time for ourselves


  3. Yummy_Mummy

    Your Röbert needs to relax. If Merlin really is such a genius, I’m sure he’ll figure out a way to practice his new instrument bi don’t think you are getting enough credit for nurturing your kids’ creativity.
    And of course Starling can’t go to a sleep over in any old PJs, her girl friends would eat her alive. It’s so much harder for a girl to grow up in this world and girls can be really mean to a sensitive and gifted young lady such as Starling, so good on you for doing your part to protect her.



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