
I have always known that if I tried yoga I would be marvelous at it because I am very spiritual and all.  I just have not had the time.  Last week Mr. Williams said he did it so of course I told him how much I also enjoy yoga.  He asked me where I go and luckily I remembered where my friend Aileen goes (because she never shuts up about it) and told him I go to her studio.  Well, how funny, it is his studio too.  So of course since I have been meaning to get started I have taken a bunch of classes this week.  I haven’t seen Mr. Williams, I mean Ty, (since we are more like friends now he asked me to call him by his first name) there yet, but I am not sure which classes he takes.  Maybe hot yoga?

After school today I put a movie on for the kids (Frozen…they are so hypnotized by it they never know whether I am here or on the moon) and ran over to a park on the other side of town to practice yoga.  You won’t even believe it, it is right next to Mr. William’s home!  What a coincidence.  I saw him as he got home and of course he admired my form and we chatted for a few minutes.  I am still not sure about the girlfriend.  It would be so, so nice for him if he had a nice girlfriend.

I am very zen.

I am very zen.

When I got home Merlin and Starling were pretty wound up about the movie and followed me around the house singing.  It gave me a my grain so I put a lil’ Benadryl in their apple juice and poured myself a glass of wine.  No sense being annoyed after a wonderful healing activity.

Please, let it go...away.

Please, let it go…away.

8 thoughts on “Namaste

  1. Obtuse

    OK, this takes the cake. Chasing your kid’s teacher around?! Drugging your kids!? You are a horrible mom. I’m going to start a blog where I obsessively go over everything you post and point out how awful you are.


    1. mythreeangles Post author

      A blog about me? That sounds interesting to say the least! I am sure lots of people would find me fascinating.

      I am not chasing anyone. I have mentioned that I hope Ty has a girlfriend, so obviously I am not interested. Durr.


  2. BetsyK

    Oh my goodness! So rude! Lah Lee is so brave and generous for sharing her thoughts and cute family with us, she doesn’t deserve to be bullied like this. Obtuse (is that even your real name? I don’t think so, it sounds like a made up word) you are a horrible person, and should be ashamed of yourself.

    P.S. Does the Benadryl trick work? I’m asking for a friend…


    1. mythreeangles Post author

      Of course I would never give Benadryl to my children unless they were sick, but they often seem to be about to come down with a lil’ something. It does have the unfortunate side effect of causing drowsiness, so they end up going to bed early when I am forced (by illness) to administer it.


    1. Tassie

      Hummus was home where he should be. Are you retarded? What is wrong with you? As women we should support each other and build each other up, not criticize. You are just jealous sitting there in your parents basement eating potato chips to make up for your sexless marriage.



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