Family Photo Shoot

I decided to have a family photo shoot yesterday and didn’t even tell Röbert because he would just complain about cost and blah blah blah.  Unfortunately he had to work all day (on a Saturday!  So unfair to me!) and Hummus had a runny nose and did not look cute at all.  So I had Merlin take care of Hummus and turned it into a Mommy-Daughter photo shoot.

First we did some kind of vintage looking ones in black and white.  They didn’t come out as cute as I had hoped!

Not cute enough for me!

Not cute enough for me!

So then I had the photographer wait and Starling and I ran right over to the mall (Hummus was asleep for most of the time so Merlin could EASILY handle babysitting) and bought some cool clothes and then took some photos at the park.  This one was my favorite.

So cute of both of us!

So cute of both of us!

But they say the camera adds ten pounds and in this case it did, in my thighs!  Ugh!  I did a little photoshopping and got the perfect picture.  Shhh!  I think Röbert might find this blown up and framed under the Christmas tree this year.

This is how I normally look.  My thighs are very toned and slender.

This is how I normally look. My thighs are very toned and slender.

Later I noticed that Hummus was kind of lethargic so I took his temperature (VERY high!  I don’t know why Merlin didn’t tell me.) and gave him some Benadryl.  I hope he feels better soon, because he cries a lot when he is sick.

9 thoughts on “Family Photo Shoot

  1. Marjorie Sloan (@kentuckyviews)

    You all, I mean both, look gorgeous! So pretty! I’m glad you got to edit the photos afterward to look more lifelike. I can tell those early morning spin classes are really paying off!

    Poor Hummus… .but UGH there is nothing more annoying than a crying sick baby. They are too little to understand we are doing EVERYTHING WE CAN for them and they just cry and cry, SO ANNOYING. I hope you get some well-deserved rest after your busy weekend!


    1. mythreeangles Post author

      Sometimes I just want to cry along with him. It is so grating. What I have started doing is letting him “cry it out” while i go for a run. Even sick babies need to exercise their lungs!


  2. Obtuse

    When I first found your blog about your little angles I thought this was such a wonderful little blog. Thanks for sharing your life with the whole world! Now however it is starting to bum me out.


    1. mythreeangles Post author

      Well, I spend most of my day at the gym, hangin’ with my gal pals. My kiddos just adore the childcare there and they get all the goldfish crackers they can eat, so i have left them there for up to 8 hours! Shhhh, sometimes my friends and I even sneak out for a lil’ lunch!

      Then i make sure I photoshop everything I post online. Hope that helps!


  3. PSL Mom

    Do you ever worry that photoshopping that thigh gap will send Starla the wrong message about body image? I don’t think it will but you know there is so much talk about young girls and body image these days.



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