Catching Up with the Kiddos

For some reason Merlin’s genius class spends a lot of time outside.  I have asked Mr. Williams about it and he actually had an answer about why they did it but I really didn’t understand what he was talking about.  If they’re so smart shouldn’t they be in a laboratory or something?  Whatever.  Anyway, Merlin is always carrying sticks around and playing with them.  Is that what a genius does?  Who knows?

Five minutes later he was tying them together to make a kung fu weapon so of course I took them away!

Five minutes later he was tying them together to make a kung fu weapon so of course I took them away!

Meanwhile Starling, who really is very smart, was inside reading.  Ugh, I find the whole situation so frustrating. I probably haven’t mentioned it but she got a B in math last year which is very high for a girl!

We do have a tv but never watch it.  Starling would far rather read!

We do have a tv but never watch it. Starling would far rather read!

Hummus still won’t stand up.  Is this normal, I wonder?

The little rat knows I want him to stand up so he is refusing on purpose!

The little rat knows I want him to stand up so he is refusing on purpose!

4 thoughts on “Catching Up with the Kiddos

  1. Lulu

    A girl getting a B is like a boy getting an A+! Probably even higher when it’s for math.

    Those sticks are scary. Are they giving him some kind of weapons training? They shouldn’t be allowed to do that!


  2. Meggy

    That stubborn little Hummus! I’m sure he’ll be running around before you know it! Your kids are all so beautiful and intelligent, I’m ready jelus, my kids are just ordinary.



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