Röbert is home

I decided to stop by and surprise Röbert at work today.  He didn’t expect to see me, but took me out to lunch!  He loves me so much!

See, nothing out of the ordinary.  He just goes to work every day like a normal husband!

See, nothing out of the ordinary. He just goes to work every day like a normal husband!

After his playgroup I decided to take Hummus out of his stroller and play with him for a little while.  He seemed very happy to have some Mommy time.  He wouldn’t stand up for me again though, so I put him down for a nap.

Happy baby!

Happy baby!

Starling has been kind of whiney all week, which is so unlike her!  She keeps complaining about being itchy, and her head feels weird.  Who knows where kids come up with this stuff?

Maybe her new sweater is making her itch?

Maybe her new sweater is making her itch?

1 thought on “Röbert is home

  1. tam

    Maybe Starling is noticing that her big brother is getting more attention than her and needs extra attention. You might try bringing her to bed with you for a couple of nights. It could be thought of as a slumber party for girls only.



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