Catchin’ Up With the Kiddies

I had such a terrible my grain on Sunday that I forgot to mention the cutest thing that Starling did on Saturday night.  She thought she was grown up enough to go to the Sullivan’s cocktail party and got all dressed up in a princess dress and came to show me while I was applying my face.  She was extremely upset to find out she wasn’t invited so I called to ask Karen if i could bring her along.  For some reason Karen said no.  Ugh!  Poor Starling!  She could not stop crying!

My lil' Princess

My lil’ Princess

On Sunday afternoon Röbert took the children up to the mountains for a few hours so I could get some R n’ R.  I am not clear on exactly where they were, but Röbert took this picture of Merlin fishing.  I wish I enjoyed the outdoors more.

He didn't catch anything for dinner...thank the Lord!

He didn’t catch anything for dinner…thank the Lord!

And this morning we had a big event Chez Us!  A special lil’ angle stood up on his own for the first time.  So I guess everyone can shut their pie holes about the stroller.

My big boy stood without holding onto anything while i was transferring him from his stroller to the bouncy seat.

My big boy stood without holding onto anything while i was transferring him from his stroller to the bouncy seat.

2 thoughts on “Catchin’ Up With the Kiddies

  1. A Tranger

    That Starling is so genius! Look at her in that purply color just like science! How are young geniuses going to learn to socialize if they can’t go to adult cocktail parties? If Starling ends up all antisocial and uncooperative it will be the Sullivans’ fault!



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