Another Perfect Day!

Röbert and I continue to be just so happy together as a couple.  I feel sorry for other married people who don’t get along as well as we do.  It must be hard to fight all the time or disagree about simple things like money and raising the children.  We are so, so happy!

He has been dressing differently lately, but I like his new look.

He has been dressing differently lately, but I like his new look.

That damned crazy Mr. Williams has decided that Merlin needs to have access to a computer because he is so smart and blah, blah, blah.  Whatever. That kid is certainly not going to be given the opportunity to break my computer, but Röbert said he could use his.  See, the perfect husband and father!

Merlin sitting still.  Who knew he could?

Merlin sitting still. Who knew he could?

Hummus is such a good lil’ boy.  I had to run out to grab the phone, make dinner and fold some laundry while he took his bath tonight but he just played happily the whole time.  I actually had started eating when Starling reminded me he was still up there. LOL!

He loves tubby time!

He loves tubby time!

The children went right up to bed after dinner.  Does anyone else ever put a tiny bit of Benadryl in their children’s applesauce?  It is amazing how much easier bedtime is when you do!

Knock, knock, I think I hear Mr. Merlot at the door.  Must run!  LOL!

2 thoughts on “Another Perfect Day!

  1. Meggy

    So happy to see a pic of gorgeous little Hummus! How did you think of such original and inventive names for your kids?
    Of course you and Robert are happy, how could he be anything but happy with such a wonderful giving and caring wife!


  2. mythreeangles Post author

    Röbert and I are both from very established classy backgrounds so our children all have old family names that we tweaked because we are also much more creative than most people.

    Of course Röbert and I are blissfully happy together. We never fight and people who say that they have seen or heard us fighting are absolutely disgusting and liars!!!



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