What Else is New?

Karen Sullivan’s dog Beefeater is still missing.  I can hear her all over the neighborhood calling for him every evening and she keeps replacing the flyers that she has hung up all over town, because they seem to disappear every single day.  I would feel bad for her if she wasn’t such a bitch.

I was meeting up with some of my REAL friends in town today and my hair looked especially lovely, so I took a quick photo.  I passed Karen in her yard as I was pulling out of my driveway and I pretended I hadn’t seen her.  That sure showed her!

I look so great here!

I look so great here!

When I got home I set up my new office!  I am using what used to be a play area for the children to get my work done.  It always looked so cluttered before and now I have hung some beautiful artwork and it looks absolutely zen!

No IKEA art for me!

No IKEA art for me!

After school guess who I found painting?  Merlin!  Can you believe it?  Those art supplies belong to Starling, but she said he had asked her.  She is such a generous and giving human being.  Of course I told him he needed to put them away before he sloshed paint everywhere!  What could he have been thinking?

That painting is such a mess!  Is that the work of a genius?

That painting is such a mess! Is that the work of a genius?

I think it is early to bed for the kids tonight so I can have a date with my hubby and a bottle of wine, LOL.


Have great weekend everyone.


2 thoughts on “What Else is New?

  1. Pumpkin

    Your new office is beautiful. Kids don’t need a playroom. They’ re at school all day anyway. you have a lot of work to do. Merlin’s art actually looks good. maybe he is gifted and talented after all;) Also, did you get a new dog? He looks so cute hanging out with M.


    1. mythreeangles Post author

      Of course I need an office more than the kids need a playroom to mess up! At least I appreciate having space for my stuff.

      We don’t have a dog. I don’t know what you are talking about.



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