A Special Weekend!

I don’t know about you, but three day weekends are always a little special chez us! Even when the weather is bad (it wasn’t this weekend!) or the hubby is cranky (he *mostly wasn’t this weekend!) we are all just so filled with the joy of being together as a family that it is always fun, fun and more fun!


It started on Friday when baby Hummus and I ran down to wait for the big kids to get off the school bus.  We were so busy trying to get a good selfie that we nearly got run over by the bus.  That bus driver sure was angry.  But Fiddle dee dee is what I say!

bus stop photo


Starling was so excited to tell us about the class field trip that she had taken to the aquarium!  She is such a smart little girl and had learned all sorts of amazing facts about fish.  Did you know that all species of clams MUST live underwater their WHOLE lives?  Yup!  You could have fooled me!

aquarium photo

Meanwhile, Merlin was just a bundle of energy!  He was running around like a crazy man until Starling ended up tripping him by mistake.  Poor Starling was beside herself.  Merlin had a cut on his chin but I sent him up to his room with a wad of toilet paper and comforted Starling.  That’s what you get when you run around like that!


running photo


On Saturday our neighbors all came over for a barbecue!  Röbert was out back manning the grill when I caught this photo of us enjoying ourselves in the living room.  I was so embarrassed that everyone saw my house when it was such a mess, but that is how it goes when you have three young children and are as busy, busy, busy as me!

living room photo

Röbert was up early the next morning to go fishing with his uncle!  They caught a lot of fish and, perfect hubby that he is, he cleaned them all himself!

fishing photo

The next evening Starling and Merlin caught fireflies out back…

the kids


While Röbert and I relaxed in the hot tub!

hot tub photo

I hope everyone else had as blessed a weekend as we did, with our three lil’ angles!

2 thoughts on “A Special Weekend!

  1. A Loyal Reader

    What a *perfect* family weekend with your lovely little “angles” and hunk ‘o love hubby! Hot tub time?! Oh yeah! Your life rocks, girlfriend! You handle “solos parenting” so well! Forget blog sponsors! Write a parenting book – it would be a bestseller!



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